Talking for Ass

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Вы здесь » Talking for Ass » Introductions » Where did you find us?

Where did you find us?

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Please share with us how you actually found this website. Whilst this will be handy to know from a research and promotional perspective, I'm also just curious how you all came across this site. :)

Let me know,



A friend of mine who I told that I wanted to search for a different place to post my videos and socialize. She told me that I would LOVE this site ^^


That's great to hear that people are already recommending the site! Thanks for letting me know, Wetenvious, hopefully you will end up loving the site. :D


I saw it mentioned on another similar site, and while I dont generally go here there and every where Im pretty impressed with this site so far:cool:


I found it on Youtube (of all places :-) was tagged to a video of a girl peeing :)


YouTube like 15 mins ago !


Didn't expect YouTube advertising to be so successful actually, but we seem to have gained quite a few members from there which is great to see. Welcome to all youtubers! :biggrin:


I was looking to post somewhere new anyway, so the appearance of this forum - which appears right up my street pee fetish niche wise (naughty peeing) without in any way being limited to that - was most fortuitous.

I actually found it via the vid and pic sharing site, EroProfile, where I found a vid obviously lifted from this site which displayed the words "". This was a new name to me, so I googled it and found you. In view of where I found it I was expecting just another porn vid and/or pic site, but was very pleasantly surprised to find a forum such as this.


That friend was me right?? : )


I saw a link to the place on the PeeSearch forum.

I was so excited when I saw there was a new forum. . .and an awesome one at that!


I'm not certain how I found this place, actually. I found it right before the community started really popping, and joined so I could look around but didn't post anything. I wasn't sure if I'd found something new and good or something that would be spammy and useless. (Thankfully, it's most assuredly the former!) Then a few days later I saw it referenced on Peesearch, followed the link, and found myself at the site I had already joined, with a vibrant community starting to coalesce.


Haha yes indeed it was you! I would have mentioned it but sometimes people like to keep their privacy, but hey you were right!


Saw on YouTube few weeks ago...


Seen it on the other day


Now that one is a surprise! Can you by any chance remember what/whose vine? :)


Was looking for free peeing girls website


On a search engine?


Steve 25805 mentioned this site to me in a private message about a situation on another site.


Indeed. But that situation elsewhere is in the past now. I wish them well. Those of you who are still happy there I encourage to remain active on both forums. Both could potentially benefit from cross-fertilisation.

Вы здесь » Talking for Ass » Introductions » Where did you find us?

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