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Вы здесь » Talking for Ass » Real Pee Encounters & Experiences » Live Action Thread

Live Action Thread

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So I thought it would be a cool idea for a place if people were actively doing something pee related to have a place beside the main chat site to post so I created this thread. My main idea is if someone is holding they could post almost updates while they are holding. Not sure if this is at all of interest to people but I thought I would post it and see.

Im going to be the first person to use this thread since I kind of have to pee xD I've had to go for a little while not but I've been putting it off while listening to music in my bed xD. I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans shorts if anyone cares and have to go about a 6/10.


I'm going to drink some water because I'm really thirsty and also this is going kinda slow xD


The water definitely made a difference. I drank a lot too. I'm a 7/10 now


Maybe I drank a little too much xD I'm already a little over an 8/10. I was hoping to hold it until around a half hour longer but I'm not sure that can happen now xD

I thought it would be fun to try and hold until a certain time and I can't use the toilet until after that time but now I'm getting kind of worried xD


I'm starting to get really desperate. I only have 8 minutes more but i really have to pee! I'm trying to hold on but I've already leaked a couple times and I feel like I'm about to loose control. I'm doing a full pee dance trying to hold it in but it's not helping.


I failed xD I way to the bathroom waiting for the time to be up as I was trying to hold on. I felt a spurt lesk into my panties followed by another. I was trying to stop them but my control was rapidly slipping. I felt my bladder just give out and pee started flooding my shorts. I couldn't stop it no matter what I tried to do as I watched my shorts fill either pee and the wet spot on them grow larger and larger. Eventually I agree up and just felt how amazing it felt to finally let go. My stream slowed to a trickle and I looked down at the soaked shorts I was wearing. I felt so much better now that I didn't have to pee and slipped off my shorts and panties to wash them. And that's where I am now standing in front of the sink hand washing my clothes. I'm probably going to go to sleep after this xD



Only sorry I wasn't on line to share this excitement with you, maybe another time soon??  Message me when you will be on and I'll do it with you. x


I am reminded of a set on my porn site
This particular amateur was answering the question on her masturbation bio that asked how they got started masturbation.
This model stated that she needed to Pee badly and found that if she rubbed herself that it lessen the urge to Pee.
She continued with this rubbing, and finally there was an explosion.  She was hooked.


Great idea!


How about the illustrated version,just saying?x


Wife frequently masturbates on the toilet and pees at the end. Hooked of course. She'll call me on the phone from work and let me listen.


I'm going to start another hold right now. I have to pee a little but not much so I'm going to drink some water. I'm wearing skinny jeans and a black T-shirt right now, like full casual look😂😂


The water is starting to affect me more. I have my legs crossed but am starting to feel the affects


I held it seven hours long today at work I went two mins long and latter one and half mins long. It felt great letting it go. I love taking ling pees.


That sounds amazing!


Ya it is I have a big bladder . I went two minutes and fourth secondd . I took a video of it. I have pee videos .women say taking ling pees like a orgasm.

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